Foundation Partners with SABA North America on COVID-19 Webinar

Please join the SABA Foundation, SABA's South Asian Women's Attorney Network (SAWAN), South Asian Amer­i­cans Lead­ing Togeth­er (SAALT), SABA Chicago, SABA-GA, SABA Houston, SABA-NJ, and SABANY for a virtual panel with executive directors from South Asian American gender-based violence nonprofits from across the country. The speakers will talk about the biggest issues facing their organizations in the time of COVID-19 and how the South Asian legal community can be helpful.


SABA North America Conference

SABA North America members will be Going for the Gold in San Francisco from June 25-28, 2020. This is the one time of year to meet with hundreds of South Asian attorneys in a professional, yet casual atmosphere. You can strengthen your community ties or create new ones while advancing your career knowledge through CLEs and interacting with others in your field. From the Welcome Reception to the Gala to the panels and networking events in between, the SABA North America Conference is the best place to mix and mingle, learn and share, with the best of the South Asian legal community.