Apply for our 2021 Grants!

Our 2021 grant application is now live! The South Asian Bar Association of North America Foundation (SABA Foundation) is committed to increasing the capacity of community-based organizations (CBOs) to respond to the legal needs and uphold the civil rights and liberties of the South Asian community and marginalized communities across North America. To reach its goal, the SABA Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, develops and funds public interest projects that benefit the South Asian community, in the following areas:

  • Domestic Violence

  • Immigration Rights

  • Hate Crimes, Discrimination and Racial Profiling

  • Community Access to Justice

The SABA Foundation will award grants to CBOs in the above categories.

During these uncertain times, Foundation remains committed to supporting organizations around the country that provide critical services to the most vulnerable members of the South Asian community. At our virtual conference this summer, the Foundation will award grants to non-profit, community-based organizations working in the following areas: domestic violence; immigration rights; hate crimes, discrimination and racial profiling; and community access to justice.

The SABA Foundation, in partnership with Accenture, will be awarding the Accenture Avenues to Success Grant to one CBO who will use the funds to help people improve their ability to find employment. For those CBOs interested in being considered for the Accenture grant, please detail how you will help people improve their ability to find employment when describing your proposed use of the grant.

Learn more and apply today!