2020 SABA North America Virtual Conference a Success

The novel coronavirus has affected all aspects of our lives this year, and caused the South Asian Bar Association of North America to take its Annual Conference virtual. This year’s conference featured a Judicial Chai Chat with Circuit Court judges Neomi Rao and Sri Srinivasan, moderated by Juvaria Khan. The Chai Chat was followed by the always popular SCOTUS Review with noted Supreme Court practitioners Loren Alikhan, Kirti Datla, Pratik Shah, Bannon Shanmugam and Tejinder Singh.

The South Asian Bar Association (SABA) of North America is celebrating its 17th Annual Convention and Gala virtually, kicked off by a special Judicial Chai C...

The highly anticipated Gala also went virtual, with keynote speakers Preet Bharara and Vanita Gupta, hosted by comedian Rajiv Satyal. The interactive afterparty was spun up by DJ Rekha. The Gala and Afterparty was produced in partnership with and broadcast by Diya TV.